How to install Java version manager on Ubuntu 20.04


Jabba - is a version manager tool for Java. It eases the process of installation and switching between different versions of the Java runtimes.


  1. Export the latest Jabba version:
    export JABBA_VERSION=0.11.2
  2. Download and run the installation script (modifies rc files):
    curl -sL | bash && . ~/.jabba/
  3. Optional. To skip modification of rc files use -skip-rc flag:
    curl -sL | bash -s -- --skip-rc && . ~/.jabba/
  4. Confirm the installation:
    jabba --version

Basic commands:

  1. To list available remote versions of Java runtime to download and install:
    jabba ls-remote
  2. To download and install specific version of Java (openjdk@1.11.0-1):
    jabba install openjdk@1.11.0-1
  3. To list current installed versions of Java on your system:
    jabba ls
  4. To uninstall specific version of Java:
    jabba uninstall openjdk@1.11.0-1


  1. The rc at the end of a file is related to the phrase "run commands"; its use derives from the /etc/rc. * files used to start most Unix systems. The rc suffix is commonly used for any file that contains startup information for a program.
  2. Jabba is useful in many cases. One such case is when you need to install Jenkins on your system, which requires specific versions of OpenJDK platform.


  1. In Unix, what does rc at the end of files like .newsrc mean?
  2. Jenkins install on Ubuntu/Debian