How to backup and restore etcd data in Kubernetes cluster

How to backup and restore etcd data in Kubernetes cluster


This post shows the general process of how to backup and restore the etcd backend data in Kubernetes

Backup etcd data

  1. Set etcd API version and check if etcdctl can communicate with the etcd server by requesting the cluster name:
    ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl get \
    --endpoints=https://[private_ip_address]:2379 \
    --cacert=~/[path_to_the_.pem_file] \
    --cert=~/[path_to_the_.crt_file] \
  2. Perform the backup:
    ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl snapshot save [path_where_to_save_backup.db_file] \
    --endpoints=https://[private_ip_address]:2379 \
    --cacert=~/[path_to_the_.pem_file] \
    --cert=~/[path_to_the_.crt_file] \

Restore etcd data

  1. To restore etcd data use:
    sudo ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl snapshot restore [path_to_the_backup_file] \
    --initial-cluster etcd-restore=https://[private_ip_of_the_etcd_server]:2380 \
    --initial-advertise-peer-urls https://[private_ip_of_the_etcd_server]:2380 \
    --name etcd-restore \
    --data-dir /var/lib/etcd
  2. This operation temporarily creates the etcd cluster node
  3. Check that data is restored:
    sudo ls /var/lib/etcd
  4. When restored all data is owned by root, fix this by:
    sudo chown -R etcd:etcd /var/lib/etcd
  5. Start the etcd:
    sudo systemctl start etcd
  6. Check that etcd server is up and running by requesting the cluster name:
    ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl get \
    --endpoints=https://[private_ip_address]:2379 \
    --cacert=~/[path_to_the_.pem_file] \
    --cert=~/[path_to_the_.crt_file] \

[Optional - dangerous]:

For testing purposes you can train the migration process on the same cluster by deleting the etcd data:

  1. Stop the etcd backend:
    sudo systemctl stop etcd
  2. Delete the etcd data:
    sudo rm -rf /var/lib/etcd


  1. etcdctl - is a command-line client to interact with Kubernetes backend storage etcd.
  2. --endpoints - flag specifies the URL address of the etcd server
  3. --cacert - specifies the public certificate for the certificate authority
  4. --cert - specifies the client certificate
  5. --key - specifies the certificate key


  1. Interacting with etcd
  2. How to Backup and Restore Kubernetes ETCD database [Step by Step]